Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

The White Company Scents of Spring

I adore The White Company, the home wear, the clothing and most importantly the amazing fragrances. When you walk into one of there stores, whichever fragrance they are currently releasing smells luxorious and I always lust after their beautiful candels which are so simply designed they fit into modern and traditional room styles.

As The White Company have recently launched their SS14 fragrances, I was invited up to one of there London stores last week to be guided through the story behind each of the new fragrances.

There are two new scents being introduced to The Signature Collection, Rose and White Geranium. Rose* does invoke thoughts of fragrances ladies two generations above me might opt for, however, being blended with Jasmine, lilies, dried fruit and sandalwood makes the scent much more contemporary and stylish. As well as this fragrance being available in the traditional White Company packaging (£20), it is also available in a limited edition mirrored glass finish (£22).

The serene spa scent of White Geranium* is the other addition to The Signiture Collection. The blend of the geranium with eucalyptus with soft rose and thyme combines to produce a tranquil and soothing combination which I absolutely love, perfect for burning during a luxorious bubble bath. In addition to the candel* (£26/140g) which is packaged in a beautiful ceramic casing with matching lid, there is also a full bath and body collection in White Geranium.

The final new addition to SS14 is the English Garden Collection, a limited edition trio of scented candels which have been inspired by a summers day. Each of the three fragrances: Fresh Herbs, Cut Grass and English Garden*  are packaged in chunky glass and wrapped in textured paper, rather than the card boxes of The Signiture Collection. Athough at a lower price than the candels in the Signiture Collection (£30/230g and £19/90g) I do prefer the style of the original packaging, but the fragrances are really fresh and opitomise the new season.

*PR Samples


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