Being a brunette has many plus points; no root issues when your highlights are waiting for pay-day and your percieved to be more intellegent that your blonde counter-parts.However, with those super-shiny chocolate locks comes a downer, other bodily hair tends to be darker too. The summer sun does a fabulous job of bleaching arm hair so its hardly noticable, but as autumn creeps in I start to bleach my arm hairs to keep them blonde and off-radar.
Jolen Creme Bleach is one of the best, but
Boots own brand is pretty good too. The product comes as a two-part set, with a bleach and accelorator which you need to mix in equal quantities in the provided tray and apply with the spatular.
As you're turning you blonder, it tends to 'foam' slightly, which can tickle a bit, but I've found after you've used it a few times its less noticable. As I've mentioned before, I've got pretty sensitive skin, but I haven't had any reaction to any home bleach kits, however, if you are worried, Jolen also has a
mild version and you should always do a test patch on a small area of skin prior to application.
If you are a keen fake-tanner like my self, always bleach prior to tanning, or you can end up with dodgy paler patches on your arms...
You can also use on upper lip, toes, tummy and chin if you need too.
Jolen is usually
£4.49/30ml or
£4.49/30ml but currently has 25% off at
Boots own
Smooth Care £5.49/100ml