Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Moa the green balm

There is one beauty item most girls carry in their handbag, however low maintainace they might be - lip balm.
I have recently discovered Moa - the green balm. Not only does it act as a lip balm, but it it multitasks to become a hand-bag super-hero. It can be used to moisturise dry skin, treat bumps, grazes and bites, help to fade stretch marks and can even sooth a sore throat when dissolved in water.

As I've managed to avoid a summer illness, I haven't been able to test this last claim, however, I have used it on my lips and areas of dry skin, and I was impressed. I thought it would leave my skin oily, but the 100% natural balm is absorbed into the skin quickly and leaves you lips/skin feeling moisturised.

As it contains lots of organic herbs and no perfumes, it does have a unique aroma, however, this isn't unpleasant or overpowering and fades away in a few minutes after application.

The larger pot that I was sent (£9.99/50ml) is one for the bathroom cabinet, but they also do a Minimoa (£4.99/15ml) which is a handbag must have.

Buy Moa here

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