Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Models’s own have recently launched the Colour Chrome collection, which include 10 metallic polishes in a range of colours, and I’ve been lucky enough to be able to try a few of them out. they are super-highly pigmented to get the foil-lie appearance, which is achieved in one coat, but more are recorded to improve durability.

Although not reccomended for use with a base or top coat, I totally didn’t read this before doing my swatches… so found the polishes went a little streaky when I put a top coat on - silly me. But found the polishes went on quite easily, using thinner coats and building up is the best way to use, but it is far too tempting to put thicker layers on, as they are so shimmery! 

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

I wore the pink polish to my sisters b’day party on Saturday, which is a cute girlie shade, but if its not your shade of pink, the Cerise and Rose Gold alternatives in the collection (not pictured) are pretty stunning options!

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

On Sunday I tried out the blue polish for a girlie pub lunch  and have really enjoyed my ice-blue talons. I think Frozen’s Elsa would approve!

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome

Model's Own Colour Chrome
The Gold is a classy shade and a good addition to my collection - although I must apologise for the state of the swatches, I was rushing to get them all done in the daylight hours!

Prices at £4.99 each - but their is currently a half price sale on the Models Own website (ends tonight!) - use code: HALFPRICE.

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