Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Summer Sundays with Joules

This post was written in collaboration with Joules.

I’ve obviously always loved my niece and nephew, holding both of them when they were only tiny bundles - I remember telling my sister how much I missed little George when I’d left him only 5 minutes earlier. But my love for them has grown even deeper since Sophie arrived two years ago.

Both George and Evie adore Sophie. They play and entertain her for hours on end, even arguing who gets to hold her hand, or push her pram. Sophie squeals with joy when she sees them, it makes my heart burst to watch them so happy together, knowing these friendships will last a lifetime.

With my sister on maternity leave after my new nephew arrived in the autumn, we’ve been spending even more time together and the little ones love it. The Sunday before I headed off on holiday we left the dads in peace and took the small ones out to play and hopefully spot the last of the bluebells. Sadly the latter were all but gone, but we didn’t let this spoil our morning.

I do love little ones in matching outfits (as you may have noticed in my Spain holiday post!) and the opportunity to match Sophie with her older cousin Evie was too much of a temptation. I do love that Joules have similar styles in their young and older girls ranges, with the littler ones having cute additions - Sophie has a little cat popping out of her pocket, where as Evie’s, in the same colour was more grown up, with no little friend! She made up for this with little kitten sandals!

As soon as we arrived the three musketeers were off on their adventure, Sophie bouncing between leading the way and running after her older cousins. Pointing out wildlife, making the appropriate noises and insisting that we all follow suit, which George and Evie happily obliged. Happy baby James kept us company as we followed them up to the bluebell wood, giving us a chance to have a natter.

After the sad discovery of no bluebells, we decided a moral boosting brunch picnic was in order. I’d packed the pastries and Katie went off to get the lattes, leaving me to have cuddles with my baby nephew whist the others played hide and seek in the shade of the nearby tree.

Happy, full and tired from the sunshine and exercise, we headed off home to enjoy our afternoon at home, with a BBQ in the garden. If that isn’t the most perfect summer Sunday, I’m not sure what is.


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