Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Summer preparation

June to me is officially summer time, even if the weather isn't too sure about it. Therefore next week, come rain or shine I will be embracing my summer wardrobe. Shorts, dresses, play suits and skirts here we come.

Summer time does need a little more maintenance beauty wise, so I've got a few of my top picks to help you make the transition, seamlessly.

Higher hemlines insists super-smooth pins, but being hair free is half the story, you also need to make sure they are well moisturised. Team Gillette & Olay's razor blades with an intense moisturiser, such as Dove Purely Pampering Body Cream. I'm starting to prep for bikini season by using Clarins Body Lift Cellulite Control Cream which includes massage instructions to get the best results from the product.

As well as booking in my pedi, I have been applying Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Nourishing Foot Cream nightly, to get my feet ready for flip-flops.

Whist we worry about the parts of our body that are kept under wraps during the winter months, we can often forget our completion, a great moisturiser is really important during the summer months, I'm currently loving Skin Regime Comfort Zone, Juvenate Pro Rich Cream as the texture is really light but highly hydrating. Show off your great sun kissed skin by using Oral B 3D whitening toothpaste, a bright smile will make such a more noticeable difference to your summer look than you'd think.
Beautysets - Get Summer Ready

Oral-B 3D White Brilliance Toothpaste 75ml/£3.49
Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Nourishing Foot Cream For Dry Or Damaged Feet 100ml/£5.10
Gillette Venus & Olay Razor £10.99
Dove Purely Pampering Body Cream 300ml/£4.99
Clarins Body Lift Cellulite Control 200ml/£36
6 Comfort Zone Skin RegimeJuvenate Pro Rich Cream 55ml/£62.50

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