Lifestyle and Parenting blog based in Surrey.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover

As you can see from all of my Mani Monday and Nails of the Day posts, I love changing my nail shades. However, removing a polish is never fun and I can find myself scrubbing for ages when I have loaded up the coats or used a glitter polish. My mum bought me this little pot of wonder a few weeks ago which you just pop you vanish clad finger in, give it a little twist and it comes out perfectly clean. LOVE. I have tried a few similar products before, but haven't been as impressed with them as I have with Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover (£4.99 at Boots).
It is acetone free and contains sweet almond oil, so helps to moisturise your nails and cuticles too. I was so pleased with it I even made a little video demo to show you! 


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